OPay React Native SDK

All payment solutions offered by OPay readily available in your clients' hands.


OPay SDK will allow your React Native application to:

  • Launch full-screen activities to collect payment details, shipping address, and shipping method.
  • Accept card, reference code, installment payment readily available from OPay.

To avoid any conflicts and have a seamless integration, make sure you have the following compatibility list satisfied.

react-native-webview >=8.0.0
react-native >=0.51
crypto-js >=3.2.0

How React Native SDK Plugin Looks Like

How React Native SDK Plugin Looks Like step one
How React Native SDK Plugin Looks Like step two
How React Native SDK Plugin Looks Like step three

How it works


On this page we will walk you through React Native SDK integration steps:

  1. Initialize and configure React Native SDK.
  2. Present Payment options and collect you client's payment data.
  3. OPay React Native SDK plugin will send payment request to OPay.
  4. Return payment processing information to our React Native SDK plugin.
  5. Within your React Native application, inform your client with the payment result.

SDK Integration

Please follow the below steps in order to get the SDK integrated and ready for use within your application logic.

  1. need to remove the old version first if you already have it,run:
                                    npm uninstall opay-online-rn-sdk
                                    yarn remove  opay-online-rn-sdk
  2. in your project directory,run:
                                        npm install opay-online-payment-rn-sdk
                                        yarn add opay-online-payment-rn-sdk
  3. Installing dependencies into a bare React Native project:
                                      	npm install react-native-webview
                                    	yarn add react-native-webview
    If your React Native is 0.59 and lower,you need to linking.
                                    react-native link react-native-webview
    From React Native 0.60 and higher, linking is automatic.
    If you're on a Mac and developing for iOS, you need to install the pods (via Cocoapods) to complete the linking.
                                    cd ios
                                    pod install


After integrating OPay SDK, now it's time to know how to use our SDK API hooks to:

  1. Toggle between isSandBox and Production environment.
  2. Create payment order.
  3. Handling payment result.
  4. Order status query.

Setup SDK Environment

During the development and integration phase, you may use our SDK in testing mode be setting the isSandBox to true:


Once you are done with your testing and your application is now ready for production, you can toggle false the isSandBox:


Create Payment Order

add OPayPage(A Component) into react-navigation route config.

Your app cart item should implement PayParams object, the below table illustrates the values that should be passed through your PayParams object.

Parameter type Required Description
publicKey String required Your OPay merchant account public key.
merchantId String required Your OPay account merchant ID.
merchantName String required Merchant Name to be displayed in cashier checkout form.
reference String required Payment reference number in your system.
countryCode String required Country code (EG).
currency String required Currency type (EGP).
payAmount Long required payment total amount.
productName String required Name of Product/Service to be purchased.
productDescription String required Description of Product/Service to be purchased.
callbackUrl String optional If you have sent callbackUrl through API, OPay will send callback notification to this callbackUrl. If you didn't send callbackUrl through API, you need to configure webhook url on the merchant dashboard, and OPay will send callback notification to this webhook url. See callback here
expireAt Integer required Payment expiration time in minutes.
payMethod String optional The preferred payment method to be presented to your customer. See available options here. If not set, all supported payment methods will be available to your customer to choose from.
JSON Object
userId String optional the customer user id
userName String optional the customer user name
userMobile String optional the customer user mobile
userEmail String optional the customer user email

Create PayInput PayParams object is given below.

                        let payInput = {
                            publicKey : "{PublicKey}",// your public key
                            merchantId : "256612345678901",// your merchant id
                            merchantName : "TEST 123",
                            reference : "12347544444555666",// reference unique, must be updated on each request
                            countryCode : "EG", // uppercase
                            currency : "EGP", // uppercase
                            payAmount : 10000,
                            productName : "",
                            productDescription :"",
                            callbackUrl :"http://www.callbackurl.com",
                            userClientIP :"",
                            expireAt :30,
                            paymentType :"", // optional
                            // optional
                            userInfo = {

After initiating the required PayParams data, you need to call props.navigation.push() to start OPayPage to ceate order. Code example as follows:

                        this.props.navigation.push("OPayPageRouteName", // your defined route name
                         * http callback from order api
                         * @param  response
                         * web callback from pay page than behind order api
                         * @param  webJsResponse
                                let status = webJsResponse.orderStatus;
                                    case PayResultStatus.initial:
                                    case PayResultStatus.pending:
                                    case PayResultStatus.success:
                                    case PayResultStatus.fail:
                                    case PayResultStatus.close:

Handling Payment Result

Once the payment has been completed by your client, OPay server will respond back to the SDK to let you know the payment processing result. After your client completes the payment, you will get the payment processing result in the form of Json object. :

Sample response Json object.

                            "callbackName": "clickReferenceCodeReturnBtn",
                            "eventName": "clickReferenceCodeReturnBtn",
                            "merchantId": "256612345678901",
                            "orderNo": "211026140930379662",
                            "orderStatus": "PENDING", // INITIAL - SUCCESS - FAIL - CLOSE
                            "payNo": "211026140930379662",
                            "referenceCode": "607943772"

Order Query Status

Due to network and any other issues, the order status may not be timely. It is highly recommended to call order status inquiry to ensure the integrity of your data. To that end, You will need to create a CashierStatusParams object that contains the following request parameters:

Parameter type Required Description
publicKey String required Your OPay merchant account public key.
merchantId String required Your OPay account merchant ID.
reference String required Payment reference number in your system.
countryCode String required Country code (EG).
                        let cashierStatusParams ={
                            countryCode : OPayCountry.EGYPT.countryCode

After creating the cashierStatusParams object, you need to call the new OPay().getCashierStatus(params) method to query order status and process the subsequent logic according to the response object returned.

                        new OPay().getCashierStatus(cashierStatusParam).then((response){
                        let status = response.data.status
                            case PayResultStatus.initial:
                            case PayResultStatus.pending:
                            case PayResultStatus.success:
                            case PayResultStatus.fail:
                            case PayResultStatus.close:

Response data format is as follows:

                            "code": "00000",
                            "message": "SUCCESSFUL",

User Profile 12 messages

James Jones
Application Developer
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