Delete Card Token API

In this page, you will learn how to delete pre-generated Card Tokens.

Delete Card Token API

To test your Delete Card Token API, you need to request using the POST method in our sandbox environment.
-Here is the request URL:


-Once you have a fully tested payment flow and you are ready for production, Use the following production API endpoint URL instead


-Request Parameters:

  1. Header: Bearer and private key Signature
                                Authorization: "Bearer" + private key signature
                                MerchantId   : 256612345678901
  3. Json object containing the information:
                                "opayToken": "xxx"

HTTP POST Parameters

-Here is a detailed description for the parameters you need to complete the POST request:

Parameter type required Description
opayToken String required Opay card token.

Delete Card Token Response

-Response Parameters:

the parameters contained in the response received whenever you call the API as a JSON Object.


-Here is a detailed description for the parameters received in the response:

Parameter type Description example
code String Response Code. 00000
message String Response Description. SUCCESSFUL

Error Handling

After submitting an API call to OPay, you receive a response back to inform you that your request was received and processed. A successful OPay API should return a status code 00, meanwhile, in a situation where any payment processing error occurred, you will receive an error code with a message to describe the reason of the error. A sample error response can be found below.

                            "code": "20000",
                            "message": "Duplicate merchant order number",
                            "data": null

Depending on the HTTP status code of the response, you should build some logic to handle any errors that a request or the system may return. A list of possible potential error codes that you may receive can be found below. A full list of all possible error codes can be found in the Error Codes section.

Error Code Error Message
09 Time out.
90 System failure.
91 Refund error, please try again later.
96 Search order error, please try again later.
97 Create checkout session failed.
98 Invalid request header with requestId.
99 Request channel parameters are not valid.
20000 Duplicate merchant order number.

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James Jones
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